Jo Gibson - Getting to grips with the shoulder [3]
Jo Gibson will take you on a journey about that's all about the shoulder
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Psychological factors are associated with the outcome of physiotherapy for people with shoulder pain- a multicentre longitudinal cohort study
Slides Jo Gibson - Getting to grips with the shoulder
Recording - Getting to grips with the shoulder
Final test - Getting to gips with the shoulder
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Stilwell 2019 - An enactive approach to pain- beyond the biopsychosocial model
Cuff 2018 - Subacromial impingement syndrome – What does this mean to and for the patient? A qualitative study
Lewis 2016 - Rotator cuff related shoulder pain- Assessment, management and uncertainties
Willmore 2016 - Scapular dyskinesia- evolution towards a systems-based approach
Kinetic Chain Rehabilitation: A Theoretical Framework