Cursus inhoud

    1. Welcome

    1. Set a goal for this E-learning

    2. Making Sense of Low Back Pain and Pain-Related Fear

    3. Systematic Literature Review of Imaging Features of Spinal Degeneration in Asymptomatic Populations

    1. Slides Greg Lehman - Key messages of recovery and pain science: making the complex simple Part 1

    2. Slides Greg Lehman - Key messages of recovery and pain science: making the complex simple Part 2

    1. Recording - Key messages of recovery and pain science: making the complex simple

    1. Final test - Key messages of recovery and pain science

    1. Reflect on your goal

    2. Picture 'Abnormalities found on scans in asymptomatic people'

    3. Check out Gregs' website!

    4. Don't forget to be critical!

    5. Lee et al 2017 - Causal mechanisms in the clinical course and treatment of back pain

    6. Moseley et al 2007 - The context of a noxious stimulus affects the pain it evokes

    7. May et al 2011 - Within-session sensitization and between-session habituation- A robust physiological response to repetitive painful heat stimulation

    8. Doganci et al 2011 - Expectations modulate long-term heat pain habituation

    9. Stanton 2016 - Feeling stifness in the back- a protective perceptual inference in chronic back pain

    10. Adams 2010 - Healing of a painful intervertebral disc should not be confused with reversing disc degeneration- Implications for physical therapies for discogenic back pain

    11. Culvenor et al 2018 - Prevalence of knee osteoarthritis features on magnetic resonance imaging in asymptomatic uninjured adults- a systematic review and metaanalysis

    12. Mannion 2012 - Spine stabilisation exercises in the treatment of chronic low back pain- a good clinical outcome is not associated with improved abdominal muscle function

Over deze cursus

  • €60,00
  • 21 lessen
  • 3 Accreditatiepunten
  • KNGF & SKF

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Greg Lehman

Prior to my clinical career I was fortunate enough to receive a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council MSc graduate scholarship that permitted me to be one of only two yearly students to train with Professor Stuart McGill in his Occupational Biomechanics Laboratory subsequently publishing more than 20 peer reviewed papers in the manual therapy and exercise biomechanics field. I was an assistant professor at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College teaching a graduate level course in Spine Biomechanics and Instrumentation as well conducting more than 20 research experiments while supervising more than 50 students. I have lectured on a number of topics on reconciling treatment biomechanics with pain science, running injuries, golf biomechanics, occupational low back injuries and therapeutic neuroscience.