Erik Witvrouw: Return to sport [3]
Erik Witvrouw neemt je mee in de wereld van return to sport
Stel een doel op voor deze E-learning
Return to play following muscle injuries in professional footballers
Return to play and physical performance tests: evidence-based, rough guess or charade?
Slides Erik Witvrouw - Return to sport
Return to sport deel 1
Vraag 1
Return to sport deel 2
Vraag 2
Return to sport deel 3
Vraag 3
Return to sport deel 4
Vraag 4
Return to sport deel 5
Vraag 5 + 6
Return to sport deel 6
Vraag 7
Return to sport deel 7
Vraag 8 + 9
Return to sport deel 8
Eindtoets - Return to sport
Vergeet niet om kritisch te blijven!
Davids et al 2003 - Movement Systems as Dynamical Systems
Dyk et al 2019 - Including the Nordic hamstring exercise in injury prevention programmes halves the rate of hamstring injuries- a systematic review and meta-analysis of 8459 athletes
Bourne et al 2018 - An Evidence-Based Framework for Strengthening Exercises to Prevent Hamstring Injury
Schuermans et al 2014 - Biceps femoris and semitendinosus—teammates or competitors? New insights into hamstring injury mechanisms in male football players- a muscle functional MRI study
Verschueren et al 2019 - Bringing context to balance- development of a reactive balance test within the injury prevention and return to sport domain
Ginckel et al 2013 - Cartilage adaptation after anterior cruciate ligament injury and reconstruction: implications for clinical management and research? A systematic review of longitudinal MRI studies
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