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    2. Patellofemoral Joint Stress During Weight-Bearing and Non–Weight-Bearing Quadriceps Exercises

    1. Slides Erik Witvrouw - Patellofemorale klachten

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    1. Eindtoets - Patellofemorale klachten

    1. Reflecteer op je doel

    2. Vergeet niet om kritisch te blijven!

    3. Baldon, et al. Evaluating Eccentric Hip Torque and Trunk Endurance as Mediators of Changes in Lower Limb and Trunk Kinematics in Response to Functional Stabilization Training in Women With Patellofemoral Pain

    4. Bert M. Chesworth, Validation of outcome measures in patients with patellofemoral syndrome.

    5. Boling et al. Gender differences in the incidence and prevalence of patellofemoralpain syndrome

    6. Chiu, et al. The Effects of Quadriceps Strengthening on Pain, Function, and Patellofemoral Joint Contact Area in Persons with Patellofemoral Pain

    7. Elson, et al. Clinically insignificant association between anterior knee pain and patellofemoral lesions which are found incidentally

    8. Erik Witvrouw; Open Versus Closed Kinetic Chain Exercises for Patellofemoral Pain

    9. Ketunnen et al. Knee arthroscopy and exercise versus exercise only for chronic patellofemoral pain syndrome- 5-year follow-up

    10. Kim, et al. The effects of weight-bearing conditions on patellofemoral indices in individuals without and with patellofemoral pain syndrome

    11. Laprade, et al. Radiographic Measures in Subjects Who Are Asymptomatic and Subjects With Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

    12. Liao, et al. Femur Rotation Increases Patella Cartilage Stress in Females with Patellofemoral Pain

    13. Powers, et al. Patellofemoral Joint Stress During Weight-Bearing and Non–Weight-Bearing Quadriceps Exercises

    14. Rathleff et al. (2016) Is Knee Pain During Adolescence a Self-limiting Condition? Prognosis of Patellofemoral Pain and Other Types of Knee Pain

    15. Rathleff et al. Is hip strength a risk factor for patellofemoral pain? A systematic review and meta-analysis

    16. van Cant, et al. Hip muscle strength and endurance in females with patellofemoral pain - Systematic review with meta-analysis

    17. Willy, et al. Are mechanics different between male and female runners with patellofemoral pain?

    18. Witvrouw, et al. Clinical classification of patellofemoral pain syndrome- guidelines for non-operative treatment

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Erik Witvrouw

Erik Witvrouw is professor aan het instituut Revalidatiewetenschappen en Kinesitherapie bij de faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen aan de Universiteit Gent. Erik verkreeg zijn PhD met het onderwerp: “Identification and treatment of intrinsic risk factors of patellofemoral pain syndrome patients” in 1998 aan de universiteit van Leuven. Mede hierdoor is zijn voornaamste onderzoeks- en expertisegebied preventie en revalidatie van musculoskeletale blessures in de sport. Hij is auteur van meer dan 120 wetenschappelijke publicaties in internationaal aangeschreven tijdschriften. Daarnaast heeft hij ook bijgedragen aan meer dan dertig wetenschappelijke projecten. Kortom: Erik kent de ins- en outs van blessures van de knie.